How working remotely is effecting your company's ability to secure new clients.
In the wake of Covid-19, OPS has been inundated with requests for Competitive Market Analysis Reports. The results have proven what OPS always preaches - every market is unique. As more reports were completed an underlying trend started to emerge. There were staggering differences in quality assurance scores. Agencies that had performed quite well, prior to Covid-19 are now “dropping the ball”. We’ve seen missed calls that are never returned, failure to collect contact information from potential clients, and unprofessional attitudes from some offices.
The changes we are all experiencing in our personal lives are challenging for everyone. Balancing kids, working from home, and changes to public safety requirements are hard. The response of your team can create a challenge or an opportunity for your home care company when securing new business.
While you may have had sales procedures in place for your team at your office, those processes may not be followed if your team is now working from home. Do you know how your team members are performing now that their working environment has shifted?
OPS can offer an internal mystery shop for only $200! This includes a final report as well as a 1 hour review with an expert to identify growth opportunities for your team. Have something specific you want to make sure your staff is implementing? The internal mystery shop is completely customizable.
While it is always helpful to know what your competitors are doing, sometimes you can learn a lot from taking a close look at your own office. Check out additional information about obtaining an Internal Mystery Shop or feel free to contact us. Let OPS assist your company with maintaining your competitive advantage, securing new business, and delivering a consistent service experience.